Monday, February 8, 2010

Journal # 2

I believe that South Dakota should go smoke free. I don't think it would be right for the business owner to have the option because they might see it as, if they ban smoking, they may lose business. Smoking isn't like chewing tabacco where you can keep that to yourself and that only affects you. Smoking affects the person that is doing it and also everyone around. There are very many families that would love everything to go smoke free so that they could feel safe with their decision to take their kids out to the restaurant without having to worry about how smoky it will be. It seems like more and more business are making the switch to smoke free and I don't think I have heard of any of them losing any business. I think the worst places now are the bowling alleys, I don't think I know of a time that I didn't leave there smelling like smoke. If the businesses did decide to go smoke free, I think they would see a lot more people out, even at the bars because for some people they can't stand the smell of smoke so they won't even go out if it's a smoking business. Also, maybe if the businesses go smoke free, it may help people quit smoking since they won't be around the smoke to get the crave.

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