Monday, April 26, 2010

Journal # 10

In the past year I have noticed that I have managed to control my spending habits more. I no longer go to Wal-Mart nearly everyday like I used to. I had such a larger income a year ago and would still live paycheck to paycheck just because I loved "buying things to remember the moment" as my friend once told me. If I want to make a big purchase, now I usually try to abide by the 24 hour rule where if I am still thinking about that item in 24 hours, I can buy it. It sounds cheesy but it really works! I shop at Kohl's a lot now that I work there and that helps since their clothes are a lot cheaper than American Eagle which is where all my paychecks used to go. My goal in the next two months is to stop using my credit card. I pay off my balance every month but I still always use it for whatever I buy instead of my debit card. Slowly but surely I'm working at not using it. If anything I would just like to use it for gas only which was my initial intent when I got my credit card but I got a little out of hand and decided to use it for everything! Hopefully I can continue to improve on managing my spending habits so I can start saving!

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