Monday, April 12, 2010

Journal # 6

I would say that Americans are too materialistic with everything these days. Nothing ever satifies anyone because when they get the latest gadget, something new and better comes out so they want that too. People are wasting their money on new upgraded phones when the one they have is just fine. The clothes they are wearing are getting more and more expensive because they are upscale brand names. They are too excessive with competing with one another to have the better tangible assets. No one seems to be thankful for what they have and a big reason for it is because of technology. With technology there are more commercials and Internent ads on how to be skinny, get buff, and what makeup to wear. Also the advertising for new gadgets has advanced to the point of someone needing it so bad that they open a new credit card and finance it through the company. Since majority of Americans have debt, no one really cares if they do since everyone else does, and plus how else are you going to buy all of those materialistic things? Even presents for kids have to be bigger and better so that their friends can envy them and the parents can feel good about themselves. The world is revolving around money and a bunch of one-uppers.

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